Four Thai towns listed in the 2023 Green Destinations Top 100 Stories

Imagine strolling through the vibrant streets of Hua Hin, exploring the ancient ruins of Mueang Kao Sukhothai, immersing yourself in the beauty of Khlong Thom, and experiencing the rich cultural heritage of Nan Old City. These four enchanting Thai towns have recently been listed in the prestigious ‘2023 Green Destinations Top 100 Stories,’ recognizing their outstanding efforts in sustainable tourism practices. From destination management to environmental conservation, these towns showcase the best of Thailand’s commitment to creating a responsible future for tourism. The Tourism Authority of Thailand commends the efforts of these towns and invites visitors from around the world to experience their unique and meaningful travel experiences.

Destination Management

The four Thai towns of Hua Hin, Mueang Kao Sukhothai, Khlong Thom, and Nan Old City have been recognized in the ‘2023 Green Destination Top 100 Stories’ for their exemplary destination management practices towards a responsible future for tourism. These towns have showcased their commitment to sustainability and have been acknowledged for their efforts to create meaningful travel experiences for visitors worldwide.

The Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration (DASTA) submitted the good practice stories of Mueang Kao Sukhothai, Khlong Thom, and Nan Old City. The story of Hua Hin, on the other hand, was presented by the Hua Hin Municipality. These submissions highlight the dedication of these destinations to sustainable destination management and their role in promoting responsible tourism.

Nature and Scenery

Mueang Kao Sukhothai, known for its magnificent nature and scenery, was listed in the Nature and Scenery category of the 2023 Green Destination Top 100 Stories. This recognition is a testament to the town’s commitment to preserving and showcasing its natural beauty. Visitors to Mueang Kao Sukhothai can immerse themselves in breathtaking landscapes, explore lush national parks, and witness the harmony between nature and historical sites.

Environment and Climate

The stories of Khlong Thom, Nan Old City, and Hua Hin were listed in the Environment and Climate category. These towns have demonstrated their dedication to protecting the environment and addressing climate change. Implementing sustainable practices, such as waste reduction, renewable energy usage, and responsible water management, these destinations strive to minimize their environmental footprint and preserve their natural resources for future generations.

Culture and Tradition

Thailand’s rich culture and traditions are celebrated in its towns, and this is evident in the recognition received by these four destinations. The stories of Mueang Kao Sukhothai, Khlong Thom, Nan Old City, and Hua Hin highlight their efforts to preserve and promote their unique cultural heritage. Visitors can experience traditional customs, local festivals, and authentic Thai cuisine, immersing themselves in the vibrant traditions that these towns have to offer.

Thriving Communities

Another aspect that sets these Thai towns apart is their thriving communities. The residents of Mueang Kao Sukhothai, Khlong Thom, Nan Old City, and Hua Hin are actively involved in sustainable tourism practices and community development. By supporting local businesses, traditional crafts, and community-based tourism initiatives, these towns empower their communities and contribute to their overall growth and well-being.

Business and Marketing

Effective business and marketing strategies play a vital role in promoting sustainable tourism. The recognition received by these four Thai towns in the Business and Marketing category showcases their success in promoting their destinations responsibly. From eco-friendly accommodations to locally sourced products and services, these destinations have embraced sustainable business practices and have successfully marketed themselves as responsible tourist destinations.

Previous Years’ Recognition

Thailand has consistently been recognized for its commitment to sustainable tourism in previous editions of the Green Destinations Top 100 Stories. Huai Pu Keng in Mae Hong Son, Ko Mak in Trat, and Sapphaya in Chai Nat were acknowledged in the 2022 edition. Mueang Kao Sukhothai and Nan Old City received recognition in the 2021 edition, while Chiang Khan in Loei and Nan Old City were recognized in the 2020 edition. These accolades highlight Thai towns’ long-standing dedication to sustainable practices in the tourism industry.

Green Destinations Story Awards at ITB Berlin

The community-based tourism practices of Huai Pu Keng and the low-carbon destination efforts of Ko Mak were also recognized with the Green Destinations Story Awards at the ITB Berlin in 2023. These accolades further emphasize Thailand’s role as a leader in sustainable tourism and its commitment to nurturing destinations that prioritize environmental preservation and community well-being.

Green Destinations Top 100 Stories Competition

The Green Destinations Top 100 Stories competition is an annual event organized by Green Destinations. Supported by various partners and sponsors, including the Future of Tourism Coalition, ITB Berlin, and QualityCoast, this competition recognizes destinations around the world that prioritize sustainability and responsible tourism practices.


Green Destinations organizes the Top 100 Stories competition annually, aiming to highlight the success stories of destinations that have made significant strides towards sustainable tourism. By recognizing these destinations, the competition encourages others to follow suit and promotes the exchange of best practices, ultimately fostering a global community committed to environmental and cultural preservation.

Partners and Sponsors

The Green Destinations Top 100 Stories competition receives support from a range of partners and sponsors. These include the Future of Tourism Coalition, ITB Berlin, QualityCoast, Good Travel Guide, Travelife, Ecotourism Australia, and DEL Turismo, among others. The collaboration between these organizations showcases the collective effort to promote and support sustainable tourism practices worldwide.

Announcement and Conference in Estonia

The announcement of the 2023 Green Destinations Top 100 Stories took place during the Green Destinations Conference held in Estonia on 9-10 October 2023. This conference brought together over 250 delegates from more than 40 countries to discuss and explore sustainable tourism solutions. The event provided a platform for experts, practitioners, and policymakers to share insights, exchange ideas, and celebrate the achievements of destinations committed to sustainability.

Thailand’s commitment to sustainable tourism

Thailand’s inclusion in the Green Destinations Top 100 Stories is a testament to the country’s commitment to sustainable tourism. The Thai government, along with various organizations and communities, have implemented initiatives and policies to protect the environment, preserve cultural heritage, and support local communities. By promoting responsible tourism, Thailand aims to create meaningful travel experiences while ensuring the long-term sustainability of its destinations.

Future prospects for Thai towns

The recognition of these four Thai towns in the 2023 Green Destinations Top 100 Stories sets a precedent for future sustainability efforts. The inclusion of Mueang Kao Sukhothai, Khlong Thom, Nan Old City, and Hua Hin promotes these destinations as role models for other towns around the world. By continuing to prioritize sustainable practices and community engagement, these towns can inspire others to follow their lead and contribute to the global movement towards responsible tourism.

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About the Author: The Thai Guy

Hi, I'm The Thai Guy, the author behind Thailand Vacation Spots. As an avid traveler and lover of all things Thai, I'm thrilled to welcome you to our website, where we uncover Thailand's Treasures, one destination at a time. Whether it's the bustling streets of Bangkok, the stunning beaches of Phuket, or the ancient temples of Chiang Mai, I'm here to offer you a comprehensive travel guide like no other. Join me on this captivating journey as I unveil the wonders of this enchanting Southeast Asian gem. From tips and recommendations to hidden gems and local secrets, I've got you covered. Let's embark on an unforgettable adventure together!